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Download Module
Download the required files is one of the cases that nowadays most companies and organizations providing services and products, provide it for their user. For example the small and large peripheral software, games, drivers product, Help file and encyclopedias (with any format such as DOC, and PDF) and catalog and educational products and services files can be placed in a downloadable file.
Placing the possibility to download these files, will have direct effect in attracting users and the factor will be to encourage visitors to join your customer (who have been looking for such product or service and what ordinary users, who are investigating issues that may have put something in their support for the system.
Site admin can upload a file and make it accessible to viewers using download module. Also admin can manage its download through this module. It means that it can create new download or delete or edit the previous created downloads.
The created download can includes file, image, description and even direct address. Also it is possible to place it in predetermined groups. If the desired download is the software that runs under the specific operating system or the specific hardware supports it, the download maker can enter their specifications on specification section of system to user be able to be informed from them through site and during viewing download. Also admin can determine that which items are displayed on site at the setting section and at the time of placing download on the site.
Management of created downloads
Language determination:
In this section the language of page can be determined.
Grouping downloads
Priority determination:
If you want to display numbers of specific group downloads on site, you can determine priority to each created download.
Possibility to create direct address:
If admin wants to link the desired download to the specific address, this section can be used.
Possibility to create description:
If the admin or administrators intend to display the description related to that download, this section is used.
Possibility to upload image:
The admin can upload an image on system and or select the already uploaded images on server.
Possibility to upload file:
The admin can upload the file and or select the already uploaded file on server so that viewers are able to download it through the site.
Possibility to enter the compatible operating systems
Possibility to enter the prerequisite information of system:
If the desired download is the software that runs under the specific operating system or the specific hardware supports it, the specifications of both are defined on two noted cases.
Possibility to set display scheduling:
If admin is intended to display the created download in the specific schedule then this part can be used. If the schedule setting is used, then download display begins on specified time and ends on specified time.
Setting for page:
In this section the settings that are important to search engines are determined.
Determination of address for page:
Each created guide is placed on the individual page. Therefore it is necessary to determine the address for that. This address is used to view page and link it.
Determination of browser title:
In this section a title is determined for page. This title is displayed on top of the browser and could be different with guide title. Title in browser is important to search engines.
Determination of key words:
Key words are one of the important criterions for search engines. These words are not displayed on page but they are used by search engines. In this section the desired key words for page are entered.
Determination of descriptions:
Descriptions are also one the important criterions for search engines. These descriptions are not displayed on page but they are used by search engines.
Placing note:
If it is required to place descriptions about created download this section is used. These descriptions are visible only to administrators through control panel and are not displayed on site.
Determination of created downloads status (active/passive):
If maker does not intend to display this download on site, it can set its status as passive.
Determine to display or do not display available items in created download on title display, list and details.
Use of filter to search created download base on creation time, status, group, language, verification and maker.
Possibility to control search range and reporting on created downloads through filter.
Possibility to search created downloads based on title
Possibility to edit all entered information for created downloads.
Possibility to delete created downloads
Possibility to determine verification status:
While the download has not been set on conformed status by admin, it cannot be displayed on site even if download maker has been set it on active mode.
Possibility to determine number of displayed downloads on downloads management centre page:
List of the created downloads on download management centre have ability of paging. You can determine that how many download can be displayed on each page using this item.
Sorting list of created downloads base on title
Sorting list of created downloads base on the number of downloads
Sorting list of created downloads base on group field
Sorting list of created downloads base on priority field
Sorting list of created downloads base on creation time field
Sorting list of created downloads base on conformation field
Sorting list of created downloads base on status field
Possibility to determine display mode of created download:
Admin is able to determine how to display (title, list and or details) the created download on site while adding download on the site.