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Help Module
In a Help, instructions and usage of a product or service, are described as a step by step and help text and image.
When you provide a Physical product, help notebook including description of components and features of product, the method used as step by step and notable points when using it will be offered with the product. We can create this help as online.
One of the key points to attract customers and increase sales is to provide help for the product or service. Nowadays users are looking for the product or service which contains a good help to show how to use it. Presence of user help beside quality gives more confidence to the user and will have positive outcomes in sales field.
Using help module there is possibility to create help in different groups and it is prepared easily by the hierarchical structure. This structure helps user in better understanding of concepts. But the classified method and representation which is done by admin is too effective in this field.
Creation and management of help
Language determination:
In this section the language of page can be determined.
Group determination:,br /> In this section the help is located on desired group. It is necessary to be careful in group determination. Since the hierarchical structure of Help is created with respect to these group determinations.
Setting determination for page:
In this section the settings which are important to search engines are determined.
Address determination for page:
Each created help is located on a page individually. Therefore it is necessary to determine the address for that in this section. This address is used for visit of page or to link to that page.
Title determination in browser:
In this section a title is determined for page. This title is displayed on top of the browser and could be different with help title. Title in browser is too important to search engines.
Key words determinations:
Key words are one of the important criterions which are too important for search engines. These words are not displayed on page and are used only by search engines.
Determination of descriptions:
Description are also one the most important criterions for search engines. These descriptions are not displayed on page and are used only by search engines.
Note placing:
This section is used when you want to leave descriptions about created help. These descriptions are not displayed on page and are visible only by administrators through the control panel.
Determination of status (active/passive) for created help by maker:
If the maker does not intend to display this help on site, it can set it as passive.
Possibility to copy a group along with all of its subgroups:
In this section by selecting one of the desired group and determination of alternative name and key word of in page address, you can copy the desired group along with all of its subgroups which contains other groups and modular.
Language determination for Help modular that is created by copy.
Key word determination in address of old page.
Key word determination in address of new page:
This key word is replaced by all the key words which have been existed on previous pages and has been determined in the section of "key word in old page address".
Using filter to search help base on creation time, conformation, language, status and maker.
Possibility to control search range and reporting on the created help through filter.
Search among the title of created helps
Possibility to determine the number of visible helps on help management centre:
List of created helps have ability of paging on help management centre page. It is possible to determine how many helps can be displayed on each page using this item.
Possibility to edit all of entered information for help
Display of register specifications for each created help:
It is possible to be informed about information such as creation time, maker, the last gradation and who has performed the last gradation while editing each help.
Possibility to determine help conformation status by admin:
The created help is not displayed on site while it is not confirmed by the site admin, even if it is set on active mode by maker.
Sorting created helps base on title
Sorting created helps base on group
Sorting created helps base on page address
Sorting created helps base on conformation
Sorting created helps base on status (active/passive)