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News Module
It is necessary latest news about the most minor changes in the product or service, and support services such as dysfunction, is placed on the an online support system. In this way customer will be aware and won't need to contact the company via phone and etc. So in this way will be reduced to such a high amount of contacts. Of course should be noted that according to grouping ability that have been considered. This is possible that the news will be placed with different topics. But specific use modules in putting this special news is support.
In this module news might be easily created by determining title, news publishing date, the news text and the news URL. In case of tendency ,it is also possible to determine others cases such as language, group, code, image publishing date, news summary, news resource properties, page setting (such as title in the browser , key words, and expression).
As it been noticed mean time of creating news it is necessary to determine the URL. It means that every created news modular will be displayed separately on the separate page. The website administrator after created each modular will be able to publish the news easily no need to any especial setting.
Creating and managing the News modular
language determining:
In this section the page language might be determined
Code determining:
The code might contain letters and digits and meantime of page displaying will be shown to the user.
Publishing date determining:
A News publishing date might be determined in this section.
Inserting image for each knowledge base
Determining summary for each knowledge base:
In this section either a summary of the News might be entered or number of characters of the News might automatically be considered as News summary.
Determining properties of the News resource:
If the News has been created by using any special resource, the properties might be entered in this section.
Page setting determining:
In this section the settings which are valuable for search engine might be determined.
Page setting determining:
In this section the settings which are valuable for search engine might be determined.
Determining the title in the browser:
In this section a title will be determined for the page. The title will be displayed at the top end of the browser and might be not the same as the modular name. The title in the browser is too important for the search engines.
Determining keywords:
The keywords are one of the most significant points for the search engines. The mentioned words will not be displayed in the page and will merely be used by the search engines. In this section the desired key word for the page might be determined.
Expression determining:
The expression is also one the most significant point for search engines. The expressions will not be displayed on the page and will merely be used by the search engines.
Inserting a note:
You can use this part in case of requirement of any expression regarding the created News. The placed expression can be view merely by the system administrators and through this control panel and will not be displayed on the web site.
Determining active or inactive status of the created News by the creator:
If the creator wishes not to display the created article on the website, he might set the status of the created article on inactive mode.
Using filter for search among created News modular according to creation time, the creator, confirmation status and status.
Possibility of controlling the searching range and reporting on the created News modular through filter.
Possibility of searching the created News modular according their titles and the News content and the News modular code
Possibility of determining the number of created News modular in News modular module management page:
The created News modular list in the management page center has possibility of paging and you might determine number of displaying News modular in each page.
Possibility of editing the entire entered information for News modular
Displaying the News registered information for each created Knowledge base:
The user might be informed of the News information such as creation time, the creator, last updating and the last updater.
Possibility of determining confirmation status by the administrator:
As long as the administrator sets the News modular status on unconfirmed status, even if the creator has activated the News modular, the created News modular would not be displayed on the website.
Possibility of sorting the created News modular according to their titles
Possibility of sorting the created News modular according to their group
Possibility of sorting the created News modular according to their priority in group
Possibility of sorting the created News modular according to their creation time(containing date and time)
Possibility of sorting the created News modular according to their confirmation status
Possibility of sorting the created News modular according to their status field