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Web Hosting Terms

  • ASP 3

    ASP (Active Server Pages) is a web – oriented technology that was introduced by Microsoft in 1995 in order to provide the possibility of scripting in side of client ( against server ). ASP pages are text files that can maintain not only the color and tags of HTML, but also save the orders which are written as a scripting language (such as Java script or Vbscript) just same as web standard documents.


    It is a set of Microsoft's technologis that can provide some tools for information, persons, systems and equipments communication. These technologies can provide the potential to product, host, distribute and utilize XML web services procedures for people and organizations. Web pages, web services, HTTP handlers, program files (such as Global. asax) and resource files can be translated dynamically. The above files can be translated dynamically and concurrently after the first request. Any change in above dynamic translated file leads to change and invalidate dynamically, then it will re-translate. The above mechanism cause to the programmers be able to perform web programs rapidly with at least overhead, because after determination the changes and dynamic translation, it could be used the program possibilities in advance. The potential of dynamic translation is increased in ASP.NET 2.x than ASP. NET 1 x and other files are covered such as files class. The files of web.config or machine . config could be used to configured the translation arrangements.

  • JSP

    JSP (Java Server Page) as its name implies, could be performed on server in Java language and it is used to produce the content of web pages. This language is same as Java but its difference is that it can use the orders of HTML. In fact, JSP is the combination of HTML and JAVA, but in simpler and more understandable form so that it could be efficient to design web pages. A JSP page has the written structure same as HTML pages.

  • Cold Fusion

    It is a set of tools to use database in web pages. By using Cold Fusion, everyone can enter one name in web page and the server request the information related to that name from database, then the extracted information has been shown as HTML pages. Cold Fusion programs could be saved in files with cfm suffix. They have tags that facilitate the connection with database and working to data. These tags initiate with CF such as CFQuery, CFMail, ….

  • Perl

    Perl (practical Extraction and Report Language) is one of most common the script language. This language was designed in NASA Jet Propulsion laboratory by Larry Wall. It is the C based interpreter language and UNIX serving programs. This language has the powerful specifications to manage fields and it extracts information from text files. Perl can assemble a set of characters and will send them as slack command. So, it is used for system management. Its programs called script. It is all purpose programming language. It is used to systems programming in different areas on the web. It is used in different places, because "Perl" is well known as the sticky language. It is designed as an effective language to add the elements to each other. Also, it is used to dismantle CGI scripts.

  • CGI

    CGI performing mechanism is same in most web servers. In this case, a folder called cgi-bin has been made in list of website root. The server has different reaction against the files in above folder. The server doesn't simply perform just the simple functions of reading or writing. These files must be performed and their output would be sent for the applicant browser. The internet users can request a web page by using their own browser. This request after sending via the environment can initiate the research operation and find the requested file. If the requested file( web page ) can't be find, the server will determine a code that it indicates the send file don't find and the browser offer a good message to the user about the lack of finding file. If the server finds the requested file, it will be sent to the user browser in order to display it.

  • PHP

    PHP is the shortened form of Personal Home Page. In newer version, Hypertext Processor is an excellent processor of the scripting language that it offers text to all people and it is used in HTML documents to perform server conversational functions. PHP could be performed in all major operating system and basically it could be used via LINUX, web- UNIX Servers and Windows servers (with additional software). PHP can be placed in one web page and it can be used to access toward information of data banks and to display them. They have rather simple grammar structure which is same as Perl. Of course it has some aspects of Bourne shell, Java Script and C.

  • Application pool

    Application pool in IIS can provide this possibility to the user to use CPU server desirably and it can facilitate to perform programs in every web site rapidly. It can decrease the performance of a server efficiently.

  • Dedicated IP

    It is a dedicated IP that you are able to use your own domain or organization name with DNS as the site name, that they can be displayed in two forms: IP: and domain name.

  • Vacation Message

    It is used to respond to the sent e-mails automatically. In this case, every selected text will send to the same one who has sent e- mail to user and it will save in vacation recipients list. So, user can follow up sent automatic e-mails. Vacation Message can send the response e-mail to the sender just one time.

  • Auto response

    By using Auto response, the saved message in E-mail Auto Responding can be sent by receiving every letter automatically, but the received letter stay in Inbox. Its difference to Vacation Message is that only once response will send to the sender in Vacation Message, while in Auto Response, the response can be sent in each time that a person receive message.

  • Tcl

    TCL is a tool command language that is often written as Tcl and it is pronounced as Tikel. This language is so simple and also it enjoys some strong specifications. This language is used to pre –define the scripts applications, environments with graphical medium, test operations, debugging or any grammar that is in command form. This contains the language commands. TCL can be developed by C, JAVA, CPLUS, PLUS languages.


    In NET Framework, data access has been performed by using ADO.NET. In fact, it is programming medium that provide all required facilities to the performers of web programs in order to establish the connection to the information banks. The above mentioned medium can hide the complexity and current details to access data by using an additional layer. The written web programs by using ASP.NET 2.0 can use the facilities of ADO. NET such as: automatic connection with different data resources, the user controlling in regard to data and other cases. So, the volume of required code to write web programs will decrease and their preserving will be done in more desirable conditions.

  • MSWC

    It is one of ASP capacities and it make the pages counter that can use page counter object for this purpose. At first, it is necessary to define a variable and appropriate it to server.


    It is the most common methods to send e-mail and it is one of Windows Server 2000 components. The choice of sending method is related to server specifications of user host. By using this capability without additional component in server, it can be send the information to the electronic post.


    It is one of Windows Server 2000 components. By using CDOSYS, the send ability of a letter can be provided by a program and it is without CDONTS limitations.

  • SOAP Toolkit

    SOAP Toolkit is a connection protocol for XML web services. It determines the format of XML formats. When we have a part of XML codes that is placed between SOAP Toolkits components, it can be said that we have a SOAP message. Nearly the most XML web services use HTTP. One of basic subjects about using SOAP is difference between specifications of each of SOAP Toolkit versions. Often, the people who use SOAP Toolkit don't write SOAP messages directly and they use the software related to SOAP Toolkit in order to make and interpret SOAP messages. These softwares often cause to translate the sound functions from a programming language to SOAP message. For example, the Microsoft SOAP Toolkit 2.0 cause to translate the called functions of COM to SOAP and or it translates Apache Toolkit of called and translated by JAVA language to SOAP. The simplicity of SOAP and unique specifications of HTTP cause that it become an ideal to implement XML web services.

  • Ruby

    Ruby is an interpreter script language for object based programming that makes available the text for all people. It is a language that is rooted from source code, so that optimize rapidly and make connection to hardware. Its simple grammar structure is rather related to IFEL'S . This language is rather like Perl's and it has many abilities to process the text files and doing system management activities.


    It is a language to build the professional menus for websites and these menus are adapted to different browsers. This program makes codes which are adopted 100% to browsers of Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape Navigator and other browsers with the operating systems of Windows, Mac, Linux. DHTML is web technology and operation to make web pages that it can make small operational programs so that to perform on the user PC than a static web page.


    HTML pages use SSI(serve side includes) to enter the external files to a file as the additional method just like ASP language. In order to process HTML pages by this service, we will define our suffixes in the form SHTMI.

  • Flash Media Server

    This program has been used to make and expand some programs based on Chat, Webcam and Multimedia programs based on web and multi- purpose projects that it provides the possibility of logging clips to the suppliers and the possibility of live broadcasting.

  • Media Streaming Audio/Video

    It is used to broadcast film, clip, music and even webcam in web site.

  • Symantec Security Software

    It is strong software to save information and to remove potential internet threats. Internet threats are the result of some activities such as internet access, file share, instance messaging and e-mails in server. Its main function is to block the whole traffic except the allowed server part.

  • Password Protection

    It can be defined a password for considered folders so that permit the certain users to use that folders.

  • Web Files Permission

    It is used to determine the availability level to some files and folders, because some programs or even information banks need to permit users to write, perform, change and even remove.

  • SSL

    Secure Sockets Layer is a security protocol. When it is used, the internet browser can display this safe connection by using a small lock in the bottom of page. SSL certifications issue for actual persons. For example a SSL certification includes information about domain, complain, and address, city, country and the expiration date of certification. When in internet browser is connected to the site via a safe connection, in addition to receiving SSL certification, the validation of certification issuer and premised sites to use it will be investigated and if each of them aren't verified it will announce to user as an error message.

  • Observers Graphic Statistics

    Graphical statistics can offer the information to user, and using this information can influence on efficiency significantly. In fact the statistics indicate some requests which are received by web server. The advantages of this statistics is that without data access and knowledge of observers history, it is difficult to judge if your business invention is successful as electronic (online) or traditional (offline) or not and it can be beneficial to determine how your site can communicate the addressors. This information is useful to determine the most viewer parts and also some parts without the considerable viewer.

  • Raw Logs Access

    Raw Logs Access is raw files access that it records the site view events and also it shows whom view the user site without using web site graphical files. It means they view the site rapidly or stop the site view when the figures and graphs are loaded. The user can download his own site raw logs on his PC. It is also a report of incomplete views.

  • Quota Reporting

    Quota programs are used to dedicate certain amount of server sources to every user. These programs are used to limit the users using of server sources. Quota reporting can offer the possibility to see the amount of dedicated sources for users.

  • Anonymous FTP

    Anonymous means no certain name. It can be performed to regulate access control list on FTP directory in control panel by using certain user password. In order to limit anonymous access to FTP, it can be removed the option of Allow Anonymous in Permission window which is placed in FTP Property.

  • SMTP

    Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is responsible to the sent messages of electronic letters. Some programs such as Outlook Express can communicate to SMTP server in mail server via port 25. This program can communicate to SMTP server and announce the addressed of sender, receiver and message contents

  • POP3

    Post Office Protocol version3 is responsible to the received messages. When you assess the mailbox by the server program to receive the electronic letters, the above program can communicate to POP 3 Mail Server via port 110. POP3 server needs an account name and password. This server after authentication and permission can activate the related files and the access possibility.

  • IMAP

    IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a standard protocol like POP3 to receive e-mail from servers but it is different to POP3. For example, in POP3 after receiving e-mails, they will remove from server but it doesn't perform in IMAP. IMAP provide this possibility to user to search his messages without downloading them from server, make folder, rename and control his own mailbox. One of most common usages of IMAP is its sharing. For example in one company that some persons must have access permission to company e-mail, so IMAP is good solution.

  • LDAP

    Lightweight Directory Access Protocol is a protocol to find information from a server for e-mail programs. LDAP servers often used in most companies and universities so that to access many addresses.

  • Indexing Service

    By using this powerful tool, it can be write very strong search. Its function is to open files and search into them by a search algorithm and then it will list the page links with search word as one page.

  • Custom Error Pages

    It will determine and regulate error messages that can be seen by observers when they are observing a site page. The most common error is Error 404 that means not finding file and Error 403 means access forbidden. Message 404 is shown when the user wants to enter a part of site that its general access permit isn't defined by the holder of site. For example, the site managers can make a page in Error 404 by using the item Custom Error Pages so that the observers can see the default of certain page in return of Error.

  • Virtual Directory

    Directory is the root of application program and it includes file Global.asa regardless the request file. The Global.asa file is always the first file to perform. If user wants to initiate the application program in certain page, he can use this directory. Of course there isn't any limitation to determine the structure of directories.

  • DNS Management

    DNS Management can provide this possibility to user so that perform every changes in his DNS area via control panel.

  • Folder management

    In fact, it can be uploaded, removed or edited files by using control panel in return of FTP protocols.

  • Web Mail

    Web mail is one of mail server abilities. The e-mail sending or receiving programs (such as outlook express) can be used on PC, but they must communicate to a SMTP server and POP3 server. If mail server is able to use under web mail, at first it will communicate to mail server via HTTP protocol. Web mail server will send message via the connection to SMTP server. Web mail has many advantages such as independence to certain software and it needs just to an internet browser such as internet explorer, lack of usage limitation to use mail protocols such as POP3, SMTP by user, using some accessory services based on web, the access to message send/ receive by web in everywhere and every when.

  • Spell Checking

    It provides the possibility of spell checking in e-mail. This leads to accommodate web text to your vocabulary and display all unknown and incorrect words so that the user decides about it.

  • Personal Calendar

    It enjoys the time scheduling ability. This schedule can be reminded to the user in certain hours and days which he was determined them before.