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Hébergement Web

FAQ générales d'Reseller Hosting

For those who intend to provide web hosting services or host many websites, the companies and persons who need to provide web hosting service for their customers such as internet services companies, ISPs, web hosting companies, web design companies, advertising companies etc.
Any person with any knowledge level.
Not at all, you can easily host and administer websites of your customer with a control panel. In addition, you don’t need any specialty with guidance and support of the technical team, for 24 hours.
The following item are included in the main advantages of it:
- No need for specialty: as you know, dedicated server and virtual private server both are dedicated and independent servers and there is need for specialty in the field of network and enough experienced to establish security, speed, maintain stability and balance of server resources, but in addition that you are not obliged to do these affairs in reseller hosting, it helps you use the same server which is maintained by the network specialists.
- Cost effective: reseller hosting services are cost effective in comparison to dedicated server and VPS.
- Exemption from fines: reseller hosting services will not be liable to any cost during term of use except its annual cost but dedicated server and VPS may incur some heavy expenses such as heavy fines of the data center due to disorder in other servers of the network such as IP conflict etc.
- Exception from payment of the software costs: one of the important requirements of dedicated servers is installation of all server software with valid license which leads to high expenses while reseller hosting services are able to use most of this software without paying such expenses.
The only disadvantage is lack of remote access to server desktop and this disadvantage has been covered in spite of the web based control panel which has provided all access of reseller to the server.
  • Dedicated server may be used for hosting a special website of which maximum need is use of server sources.
  • Dedicated servers may be used for mail server, database server, firewall etc in addition to use of website hosting.
  • Dedicated server is necessary for the companies whose activity relates to provision of web hosting services.
  • The dedicated server requires providing reseller hosting.
Reseller hosting servers can be provided with operating systems of Windows and Linux.
No, in case you intend to provide both of them, you should prepare windows reseller and Linux reseller services.
Helm has been used in windows reseller hosting servers and directAdmin has been used in Linux reseller hosting servers.
Smartermail is used in windows reseller hosting servers and squirrelmail is used in Linux reseller hosting servers.