Disc Space |
1GB |
Number of hosting possible domain |
50 |
Number of sub-domain |
10 |
Months (Band Width) |
10GB |
Number of EMails |
500 |
Number of FTP Account |
50 |
Number of SQL database |
10 |
Monthly (Rls) |
2.470.000 |
3 Months (Rls) |
6.630.000 |
6 Months (Rls) |
10.920.000 |
9 Months (Rls) |
14.000.000 |
Annual (Rls) |
15.600.000 |
Note: The minimum amount of ordering is currently 3 months.
Disc Space |
2GB |
Number of hosting possible domain |
100 |
Number of sub-domain |
20 |
Months (Band Width) |
20GB |
Number of EMails |
1000 |
Number of FTP Account |
100 |
Number of SQL database |
20 |
Months (Rls) |
3.730.000 |
3 Months (Rls) |
10.000.000 |
6 Months (Rls) |
16.500.000 |
9 Months (Rls) |
22.000.000 |
Annual (Rls) |
23.600.000 |
Note: The minimum amount of ordering is currently 3 months.
Disc Space |
5GB |
Number of hosting possible domain |
200 |
Number of sub-domain |
50 |
Months (Band Width) |
50GB |
Number of EMails |
2000 |
Number of FTP Account |
200 |
Number of SQL database |
40 |
Months (Rls) |
5.060.000 |
3 Months (Rls) |
13.500.000 |
6 Months (Rls) |
22.000.000 |
9 Months (Rls) |
28.000.000 |
Annual (Rls) |
32.000.000 |
Note: The minimum amount of ordering is currently 3 months.
Disc Space |
10GB |
Number of hosting possible domain |
400 |
Number of sub-domain |
100 |
Months (Band Width) |
100GB |
Number of EMails |
4000 |
Number of FTP Account |
400 |
Number of SQL database |
80 |
Months (Rls) |
6.880.000 |
3 Months (Rls) |
18.000.000 |
6 Months (Rls) |
30.000.000 |
9 Months (Rls) |
40.000.000 |
Annual (Rls) |
43.500.000 |
Note: The minimum amount of ordering is currently 3 months.
Disc Space |
20GB |
Number of hosting possible domain |
800 |
Number of sub-domain |
200 |
Months (Band Width) |
200GB |
Number of EMails |
8000 |
Number of FTP Account |
800 |
Number of SQL database |
160 |
Monthly (Rls) |
9.800.000 |
3 Months (Rls) |
26.300.000 |
6 Months (Rls) |
43.000.000 |
9 Months (Rls) |
56.000.000 |
Annual (Rls) |
62.000.000 |
Note: The minimum amount of ordering is currently 3 months.