What is really the portal? What's deferens between website? Is the portal content management system? These are questions that nowadays there are in the mind of many people. In this article has been tried to mention as simple and clear to benefit be paid for different applications and portals, Web sites and content management systems (
Portal is the base on the web that which makes sharing information with users. Portal will collect information from different sources and offers to their users until they get their requirement centerpiece of its activities around as integrated in a single base.
Portal on the contrary websites is connected to different resources and database and finally, it offers information about its users, as categorized, of course it doesn't mean that they do not publish any information also the portals ability to publish information of their company or organization and If necessary, to share with other portals.
Nowadays the portals are not just for information even lets to its users this possibility that they can use from electronic services of company or organization. This service is including some items like users area that allows users to manage their information requirement. For clearer of this topic let's get an example:
When you enter to main page of information database actually you entered to portal of the bank. Bank will show us exchange rate based on current day. What is this information? Is it reliable? Yes, it is correct completely because this information is obtained from a single source and it's not by own. In fact Bank portal will display the latest information of exchange rate by connecting to the exchange rate, which is located in another portal. In this portal may attract yr attention the most the important global news in a separate block. This news has not been published by the Bank also portal has received as a RSS the last news of the world from other portal (By using automated technology n and of course, according to portal administrator settings and will show to moment that all of which are reliable and also now Database of your organization will be displayed besides this information for example view the latest decisions and approvals as the news in one of the blocks page and also bank has determined the users area that customers (users) when enter the user ID and password they can access to their account information and take action to transfer, or its management. This information with portal connection to the bank network and also gathering concentrated bank network and give whole of them to the users.
Portal Technology:
Portals without communication technology such as web services,
API; actually there are only a Website. Existence of such technologies is the most important features of the portal to websites (and sometimes
CMS). This technology is the standard communication between all modern portals in the world, Regardless of whether what do they use of operating systems and hardware.
SSO (Single sign-on):
It is one of the essential and important features of portal. These features causes the users with having a one user ID and password can access to collection of services in one or several domain. These services can even put it on more than one portal and also put it on different internet addresses (
Domain).but user with enter the ID and password can enter to users area in all of the addresses (Conditional on having access).
Portal focus:
There are a lot of portal that focused on special services or cover services in general.
For example shopping portal, concentrating on financial services and markets and a news portal focused on news issues and media.
Difference between portal and website:
Generally difference between website and portal is as follows:
1.Website is not adaptable; it means that you cannot change content automatically, while portal content can be changed automatically and without human involvement.
2.Website is not flexible. It means that you cannot change content website as online, while portal content can be changed easily by using control panel.
3.Website is not dialog. It means it does not communicate with the user and don't exchange information. While the portal based on user requirements, offers required information.
4.Website is just for giving the information, while portal in addition to give the information also collects the information.
Overall, there are many differences between the portal and web site, although it is not much difference between both of them because both show their output on based on a standard (HTML), but as soon as to use, differences will be appeared.
Difference between portal and CMS:
Content management system-
CMS is just only for content management of a website, while portal by having a
CMS in addition of this ability, it can exchange of information with another portal and collected information from different sources and also provides a portal to connect the different domains. In the other words
CMS is the essential sub system of portal, although it can be used alone.
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