Nowadays by improving the technology and people communication methods, the organization has developed too.
Internet is one the mentioned methods.
Most the people receive and send their required information via internet. Some of this information are not secrete and does not have much importance.
For instance a company's market share selling advertisement is considered as secret content.
Bu against the mentioned information, there always is some information which are secret-full and important
instance bank account passwords are from the mentioned information.
If we don't use security protocol meantime of transferring such information, probability of stealing the information is existed while we are not aware of it. In such cases importance of transitive data security and security protocol highlighted.
What is SSL?
SSL or Secure Socket Layer, is one of the data transmission protocol in web among a browser and a server, and would guaranty secure data transmission. This protocol which is the most common secure data transmission protocol have been provided by Netscape company and after a while a part from Netscape browser, the protocol has been used by IE as well.
SSL is a technology in which the information which are being transferred and exchanged are being coded.
So that if meantime of data transferring, data be heard, the heard data will not be useable. For instance to protect secrete information of the users such as credit card information this technology is used.
These private keys are completely confidential and should not be granted to anyone.
There is another type of keys, which are called general keys are not required special protection, they merely contain daily server and the company's properties.
Once SSL is activated on the system, several questions about website and the company identity will be asked such as website address, and the company location then 2 mentioned keys will be produced.
At present most of the websites apart from http protocol, use SSL protocol too. To have secure access to a website data, we should use HTTPS protocol, therefore if a website use SSL protocol at the beginning of the website address instead of HTTP, HTTPS is used.
Meantime of using SSL, browser uses it's existed public key and code the information then send them to the server.
Then the server decodes the information by using its private key. Since the private key has been installed merely on the server, therefore it's almost impossible to decode the information during transmission.
There is another protocol which transmits securely personal messages (merely between 2 points) which is called secure Http or S-Http. But Https protocol is able to transfer any type of information and create a secure connection between the user and server.
Therefore we can say that these 2 protocols are not rivals, they even complete each others, and the both mentioned protocols are proved and approved as standards protocol by IETF office.
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